NMG@MKC_Lea Anić: “Construction Time: Yellow Soil”
MKC Gallery, Youth Center Split, Ulica slobode 28
OPENING: Thursday, July 6th 2023. at 7pm
After the opening of the exhibition, the artist will stay in the MKC gallery on Thursday (July 13) and present her work.
Lea Anić’s multimedia ambient installation in the gallery of the Multimedia Cultural Center in the Youth Center is woven from sound recordings of readings, analog slideshows and found objects placed in the space.
The motif that unites these individual works is omnipresent in conversations on both private and public levels: the construction site.
As children, we see these spaces as interesting sites for the construction of something new and exciting; growing up, we begin to understand them as painful points of transformation of known landscapes into some kind of new creations.
By combining digital and analog media: film and photography and audio recordings of the reading of given texts, Lea Anić does not approach this artistic research in a documentary or archival-didactic way – she shapes it as a speculative reflection on social phenomena and the contexts of their creation.
An important part of the display is a mesh screen with printed photos of construction sites in Copenhagen, Zagreb and Split, which functions as an artistic canvas in the gallery space.
Placed on the windows of the gallery, this mesh shapes the ambience in the interior space, and attracts the attention of passers-by from the outside, inviting them to enter the exhibition space. That mesh is a direct reference to the visual fences that represent the first step in isolating the building space. Fences – which, like those that now enclose Split’s Youth Park (Ultra Europe Festival) or the area of the future Small Mall, set a clear barrier between man and the space that was once available to him.
As the artistherself states: “The fence becomes a signifier of stagnation in time; an area where the echo of what was before is still present, while the atmosphere of what is to come is only hinted at. Halfway, here, at the intersection of decisions.”
– Katarina Duplančić, mag.edu.hist.art.
Lea Anić is a visual artist; she lives and works in Zagreb and Copenhagen. She completed her undergraduate studies at the Department of Animated Film and New Media of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, in 2016. After that, she enrolled in graduate studies at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, where in 2019 she obtained an MFA degree at The School of Conceptual and Contextual Practices. Since the autumn of 2021, she has been working at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, where she runs the Laboratory for Context-Specific Art Practices in collaboration with Carla Zaccagnini. In her work, she deals with tangible manifestations of the invisible; marginal, everyday echoes of the socio-political situation, present in found data, read in different media. In addition to research at the intersection of media and the social and immediate spatial context, she considers education and methods of transmitting artistic knowledge in artistic practice.
CURATOR: Katarina Duplančić
NMG CURATORIAL TEAM: Katarina Duplančić, Natasha Kadin, Vedran Perkov
DESIGN: Nikola Križanac
NARRATORS: Ivna Franić, Vinícius Maffei Betraying Gestures, Manon Mugnaini Girault
CANVAS DESIGN: Petra Milički
TRANSLATION: Katarina Duplančić
SETUP: Lea Anić, Jakov Leskur
DONORS: Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, City of Split
MAVENA SUPPORTED BY: Zaklada Kultura nova
SPECIAL THANKS TO: Aktivist, KUM, MKC, PDM, Marin Berović, Katja Crevar, Ivna Franić, Vinícius Maffei Betraying Gestures, Petra Milički, Manon Mugnaini Girault, Profaca family, Ivan Slipčević, Hrvoje Spudić, Marin Tudor
The work was created with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia and the Statens Kunstfond (Danish Arts Foundation).