This year’s ISPOD BINE sound art festival offers two weeks of various events at several locations in the Youth Center in Split: concerts, multimedia exhibitions, lectures and workshops.
The conceptual backbone of all these events is experimentation with sound.
The festival begins with a collaboration with Platformat, a festival for independent culture, organized by the Platforma Doma mladih (Youth Center Platform). These two festivals together have invited the House of Extreme Music Theater by DB Indoš to the underground club Kocka, and this time with the participation of the legendary band Trobecove krušne peći. KUŽNI IFRIT is a cosmophonic performance that emerged from joint work for remote performances of DEMONI KUGE, and premiered in early 2022 in the Great Hall of Pogon Jedinstvo in Zagreb.
The unique feature of this year’s ISPOD BINE festival is that it will present local, Split artists of different generations and artistic expressions. Each of them premieres a new creative work created exclusively for the ISPOD BINE festival. On October 13 from noon to 3pm, the festival events spread throughout the city of Split, using a moving audio installation by the legends of the Split art scene, Milan Brkić and Rino Efendić.
On Friday, October 14, Gordan Tudor, a saxophonist from Split with an international career, will perform his Soliloquy at Beton Kino, and on Saturday, October 15, Toni Mijač, an artist of the younger generation, will open his multimedia exhibition “Turn into an ear” in the MKC Gallery. At the very closing of the festival, October 23, we present another legend of Split’s independent scene, Hrvoje Cokarić (c_bastard), who will give us his sound performance “armageddon torch” in Kocka.
In addition to the forces of Split, which the festival continuously supports and promotes, and encourages them to experiment with sound outside of their native artistic media, this year ISPOD BINE presents the work of Miodrag Gladović, an electrical engineer, musician, and multimedia artist, who is extremely active on the contemporary art scene. either as a member of the artistic duo Lightune.G with Bojan Gagić, or independently. With his work, engineering knowledge, and exceptional creativity, he continuously contributes to the innovation of the projects in which he participates. The combination of a punk approach and DIY ethics, two decades of musical experience in stylistically different bands and projects, incorporation and use of new technologies in artistic work, and sensibility for contemporary music and art – these are all reasons why Gladović has become one of the most prominent names of the contemporary scene, primarily experimental and improvisational music, and in Split, he will hold a lecture about his work and perform his audiovisual performance “Packmess”.
So that this year’s festival does not go without international guest appearances by established sound artists, this year we present Manja Ristić, an internationally active artist who, since her institutional training as a violinist, is now very active in the improv and experimental music scene, and is represented by the audiovisual installation “Good Water” which will be opened in the Kocka Gallery on October 21, followed by Igor Stanglitzki’s impro soundscape journey.
Finally, the festival brings musician Amy Denio from Seattle, who is best known as a saxophonist in the band Kultur Shock. This versatile artist, in addition to playing several instruments and permanently engaging in pedagogical work, also performing vocal improvisations, will be in Split on Sunday, October 23, to do a vocal improv workshop for the public, and after that a solo performance in which she will immediately incorporate recordings of vocal improvisations with the participants of the workshop.
The sound art festival ISPOD BINE was founded and led by Natasha Kadin and Hrvoje Pelicarić since 2016, it is organized by the Mavena association, and this year it is held in partnership with the Multimedia Cultural Center Split, the Youth Center Platform, the Coalition of Youth Associations and with the financial support of the City of Split and the Ministry of culture and media of the Republic of Croatia. The authors of the festival logo are Kazinoti&Komenda, this year’s visual identity was designed by Igor Stanglitzky, and the poster was screen-printed by Edi Matić, E.m.gra, while the animations were done by Tihana Mandušić.
8pm_ Kocka
DB Indoš
Kuća ekstremnog muzičkog kazališta & Trobecove krušne peći – KUŽNI IFRIT
Noon-3pm_ Split
Milan Brkić / Rino Efendić – moving audio installation
8pm_Beton kino
Gordan Tudor – Soliloquy
8pm_ MKC Gallery
Toni Mijač – Pretvori se u uho
8pm_ Kocka gallery
Manja Ristić / Aleksandar Lazar – Dobra voda
10pm_ Kocka
Igor Stangliczky – MOOD_EXC_2.1
5pm_Beton kino
Mijo Gladović – lecture
8pm_Beton kino
Mijo Gladović – Packmess
5pm_Beton kino
Amy Denio – IMPROVOKALL – workshop
8pm_Beton kino
Amy Denio – IMPROVOKALL – performance
10pm_ Kocka
c_bastard – armagedon torch