culture and media manager, producer, journalist, PR, curator, project author and performer. Currently working on PhD dissertation On the subject “Rethorics of performatives; Case study: New media female artists in SE Europe 1989- today“, under the supervision of dr. Miško Šuvaković on University of Zadar. Finished MA in cultural management and cultural policy on the University of Arts in Belgrade, with Master thesis „New Media Art management“, project management on Universite Lumiere Lyon 2, Faculté d’Anthropologie et de Sociologie, and BA in Croatian language and literature on University of Zadar.
Works as the author, co-author and main producer of all Mavena projects and collaborations. Published a book “Living in the Interface" (VDM Verlang, 2009.) about new media art developments and management concepts. Cofounder and curator od New Media Gallery in Zadar. As coauthor and performer participated in new media plays Scream 2010., SURLAmour 2008., L'amour fou 2007., and in 2006. directed, did dramatization and costumes for multimedia interactive play Masterpiece can-t burn! based on the novel “Master & Margarite” by Mikhail A. Bulgakov. She is cofounder and president of Mavena.
art historian, journalist, curator and artist. For Mavena, he creates and implements exhibition program NMG@PRAKTIKA. As an active member of NGOs working within the field of queer culture and sport he participated at workshops and seminars like Green Academy, Queering green theory/Greening queer theory, SpaceID Madrid and others. He graduated in contemporary art at University of Bologna.
video artist and photo designer. Student of New Media on ALU Zagreb. Finished Film and Video at Art Academy UMAS in Split and Photo Design in Art School in Split. ESSL Award for young artists in 2009. winner. Participated in many group exhibitions and festivals: 2010; exhibition Identities Gallery SC, Zagreb; exhibition and workshop London/Zagreb, The Cass gallery, London; exhibition and workshop Articulation; Gallery Vladimir Nazor, Zagreb:0; 2009. – Video Barik; ESSL AWARD CEE 2009 Winners, Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg/Wienna, Austria, exhibition on festival Feminae Extravaganza, Split; Video Vortex 4 Split, MKC, Split
visual artist. Finished Master’s degree in Painting in 2013 at Arts Academy University of Split. Member of HULU Split, art group Čekanje and Bez naziva. Since 2009 participated in numerous group exhibitions (38. Split Salon; XI. Erste Fragments, XI. i XII. Triennal of Sculpting; Meandering – Glimpses of light, for Julije; MuFiV- Opened; Hybrid Media Camp; Almissa Open Air…) and five solo exhibitions (Gallery of Fine Arts Split, Greta Gallery and Salon Galić). In 2014 she was one of the finalists of Radoslav Putar Award. Participated in residential program Punta Arta – Island map 2 on the island of Zlarin and two Erasmus plus projects in Turkey and Italy. Works as a coordinator for Gallery of Fine Arts in Split (FFWD – Tuesdays in the Gallery), an illustrator for online magazine Stilueta and one of the curators for Bez naziva Gallery.