NMG@PRAKTIKA: Uzgon // exhibition TOWARD EUROPE + expedition

EXPEDITION: Monday, March 14th, starts at Prva vidilica at 14:45 h

OPENING with experimental pop-grindnoise-
jazz Dj set by DJ rono and djono:
Thursday, March 17th at 20 h


EXSHIBITION DURATION: March 17th — 25th 2016




Dom mladih

Ulica slobode 28, Split

OPENING HOURS: Mo — Fr 18 — 21





Donkey artist and his human artist colleagues, will become the ultimate suprematists, those who will resist the world we made and that wants to destroy us.


Manifest 1 / The gray on gray

Hrvoje Cokarić / 2015.


It is all about looking. The man becomes aware of himself when he looks back at the animal. Noticed similarities and differences are the basis of man’s separation from nature, its cultural development, the development which would not be possible without the closest circle of his comrades, the other animals. In his essay Why look at animals? (1) from the 1977 John Berger detects the rupture of this centuriesold comradeship in the 19th century industrial revolution. The complete disappearance of the animal from everyday life of a human comes with the corporate capitalism of the 20th century. Animals, exploited as machines in previous phase, now become the raw material of production. Parallel to the economic exploitation of animals and their disappearance from human lives, Berger also reveals their cultural marginalization. Confined in zoos, which appeared across Europe just at the time of the industrial revolution, animals become part of the world of spectacle. The look that was once mutual, in captivity
becomes one-directional, animals became the subject of human observation. It is in the ruins of one of such places, in Split zoo, where this story begins. Two years ago Hrvoje Cokarić form Uzgon released to freedom two young donkeys from the zoo in the process of closing. In the freedom of Marjan hill two young donkeys named Marina Abramović and Kazimir
Malevich become artists who renew long-lost connections between the man and nature, once ubiquitous in our region. In freedom Marina and Kazimir are reestablishing the look with the man and thus allowing him to establish the lost connection with nature. The future of the Earth itself depends on how much we are willing to accept their look and accept the existence of the another. Both the new anthropology and the look of donkey say that the existence is always existing with (2) someone. So without the donkeys there’s no us.


1 — John Berger, Why look at animals (1977.)

2 — Donna J. Haraway, When Species Meet (2008.)





Association Uzgon is active since 1994 when they organized the first Art Squat festival in the building of the Youth Center. The festival later turns into an informal organization of associations. After formal registration in 1998, in 1999 Uzgon joins Glas 99 coalition and also initiates the establishment of the Coalition of youth organizations in Split which is formed two years later. Through its twenty years of work associations mostly problematize socially vulnerable groups and minorities.

Work of Uzgon is realized through four sections. Zidar Betonsky is a music section. Since its creation in 1995 it is a part of the independent music scene since. Zidar Betonsky made the music for a lot of theater performances such as Consul (2000), Lead Soldiers (2001), Oedipus (2002), Hecuba (2011), Little Flame (2007). Fractal Phallus Theatre is a theater section that since 1994 has produced a series of plays. Some of them are The Rape of Europa (1994), Chairs (1994), Fisherman (1995), Conversation with God (1996), Checkmate (1997), Lead soldiers (1998, 2001), Vena cava (1999, 2001), Languages
(2005, 2006), Judith 360 (2009), Judith (2010) The process – Protocol (2011), Victimize (2012). In the period from 1995 to 2008, the puppet craft section Behemoth, made dolls for purposes of Split carnival. Resign is the design section that deigns web and graphic materials for the association since 1995. From 2006 to 2008 in Gallery 4, in the old town,they organised continuous new media exhibition program. In 2008, the section produces documentary – feature film The path of a plastic bag and runs the eponymous environmental campaign.



CURATORS: Tonči Kranjčević Batalić, Tina Vukasović
TEXT AUTHOR: Tonči Kranjčević Batalić
DESIGN: Nikola Križanac
NMG PROGRAMME CURATORS: Natasha Kadin, Tonči Kranjčević Batalić, Tina Vukasović
DONORS: Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnog društva, Ministarstvo kulture RH, Zaklada Kultura nova, Grad Split






